The HEUER vice with replaceable jaws is a tool of highest quality.
Made purely of steel of guaranteed robustness. On account of its supreme individual components it overwhelms totally - with its reliability, durability and precision.
Because of its narrow drop-forged guides, it offers an enhanced clamping depth. Internal dual-prism guide track design offers optimal protection against damage and fouling. Large track guide surfaces assure constant, smooth functioning of the guide rails, fully machined to guarantee precision when working on sensitive workpieces.
An additional feature is the protected precision spindle bearing, the double-action trapezoid thread and the easily adjustable centrally located guide. This construction is conducive to its high precision. The spindle keys with riveted safety rings made of steel afford the required safety. An anvil is integrated in the rear jaw.
The HEUER vice is a prime examp
le of reliability and durability on account of its high quality and well-thought-out workmanship. Ideal for rough conditions in the workshop. ....
And "Made in Germany".
In order to meet all demands of the workshop we make our well-known steel HEUER Vices also in a special version with replaceable clamping jaws. These surface-hardened jaws have one corrugated side and one plain side. They are adjustable and replaceable. The threads are located in the frontal jaws so that the valuable vice will not be rendered out of service by any damage to the clamping jaws.